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Do Islands Float In Fresh Waters????

Have you ever thought that whether an island can float in fresh water???

In North East India, Loktak Kake, a largest fresh water lake have floating islands. It is located in the state of Manipur, one of the seven sister states in North East India.

The series of floating islands are commonly called phumdis. They are heterogenous mass of flora and fauna spread all around in the loktak lake. They range from 40 sq.km area to the smallest around 13 sq.km.

The Largest phumdi is a World's only floating National Park, Keibul Lamjao National Park a home to Sangai,an endangered species Eld's deer.

Loktak lake is filled in with water by Manipur river and many other small rivulets of it.

It has a wide variety of flora and fauna growing around in the phumdis.

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