Thursday, March 13.

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New President For Ukraine : Volodymyr Zelensky


Volodymyr Zelensky

He was politician, screenwriter, actor, comedian, and director who is elected as President Of Ukraine in the 2019 Ukraine Presidential Elections held recently.
Prior to joining his political career, he obtained a degree in law, and created a production company, Kvartal 95, which produces films, cartoons and TV comedy shows. A political is created by the same name in March 2018 by employees of Kvartal 95. 
Six months before Zelensky announced his candidacy, he was already one of the front runners in opinion polls for the election.

Presidential campaign to unseat the incumbent President of UkrainePetro Poroshenko, in just time span 3–4 months. Zelensky clearly won both the first round of elections on 31 March,and the run-off election held on 21 April 2019.

He will be assuming back the presidential office by 3rd June 2019.

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