A problem that parents and teachers have been observing in students increasingly around the world. From research has been undertaken on Maths anxiety in children and how an established fear of mathematics can result in low levels of confidenced
#approach to math Very often, we hear parents casually remark I am not a maths person or if a child is good at maths, then we hear remarks such as Oh he must be a genius! after completing the Easy subjects. the maths problem is very much in the air and our children catch it, without our knowledge, thus either instilling fear of the subject or building on the notion that proficiency in this subject is reserved for a select few.
#procedure on Emphasis According to the any education report only 46% of grade 9 students tested could do simple division problems, making them 2 & 3 levels behind their grade level 2. Another research paper The Untapped Math Skills of Working Children in India Evidence, Possible Explanations and Implications presented that only one-third of the children surveyed could divide and only 24% could subtract in a written test. However, when the same children were offered a problem in terms of market transactions, over 90% were able to successfully perform the arithmetic operations.
#teach and test approach In the traditional system of classroom teach and test, there is a heavy emphasis on speed and accuracy in a maths session. However teacher of Maths Education, timed tests cause the early onset of maths for students across the achievement range4, leading to maths avoidance, low self confidence and negative experiences of maths. Also, with different learning levels in a classroom, teachers have a genuine struggle with knowledg level of maths understanding and misconceptions of each child, thus making it humanly impossible to address individual deficiencies.
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